Posts Tagged ‘article’
Linux Commands: a useful article
Yesterday, I found an article called “A Practical Guide to Linux Commands“; a compact guide to several linux command use cases, such as backup and compression, searching the filesystem, etc. I have to admit that it was one of the most interesting/useful articles I have ever read, thus I share it with you.
The article is posted on and you can access it here.
3-SAT polynomial time solution? If true then P==NP

Complexity classes
One of the biggest questions in the CS always was (is) if P==NP, or P!=NP.
I just read a post announcing an article called “Non-Orthodox Combinatorial Models Based on Discordant Structures” by the author V. F. Romanov (
According to the author:
The article presents a constructive proof of effective resolvability of 3-SAT problem, accompanied by description of a polynomial algorithm created for the named purpose.
If this statement is correct, and the algorithm really solves the 3-SAT problem in polynomial time, then P==NP (since 3-SAT is NP-complete). Although the article, in my opinion, looks too draft for such an important topic, if it will be proven correct, one of the biggest findings in CS will be unveiled.
Lets see..