Archive for April 5, 2011

Introduciton to Erlang : Recursion (2/2)

This entry is part 10 of 16 in the series Introduction to Erlang


In several cases, as with the mlists:length/1 example, the non-tail recursive function can be easily turned to a tail recursive one by using the notion of accumulator. An accumulator is an extra argument introduced to a function in order to aggregate the partial results of the function. It turns the “bottom-up” collection of the final result to “top-down”.

In order to add and initialize the accumulator argument one has to introduce an extra function definition.

tlr(...) ->
    tlr(..., Accumulator_initial_value).
% the clause that "breaks" the recursion and
% returns the result
tlr(..., Accumulator) -> 
tlr(..., Accumulator) ->
    Accumulator_new_value = ...,
    trl(..., Accumulator_new_value).

Notice that typically you would only export the tlr/1 function and the tlr/2 would remain for inner-module use and not visible to the module’s users.
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